Organizational Science Core Values
We strive to maintain a professional, collegial, respectful, and inclusive community. We believe that diversity brings intellectual rigor and creativity to our program, and aligns with our values to include a variety of voices and perspectives.
Our Research in Diversity:
Our faculty and students are engaged in a wide-range of research activities on diversity inclusion. Here are some examples of papers and publications. This is not a complete list:
She’s got the “it” factor: Do female leaders get credit for their charisma?
The Authentic-Leadership Paradox: A Theoretical Model of Authenticity for Multiple Minority Leaders.
Leader-Follower Relationship in Refugee Workplace Outcomes
Survival, expectations, and employment: An inquiry of refugees and immigrants to the United States
Gendered Antecedents of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors: Supervisor Gender Role Attitudes, Gender Match, and Occupational Gender-Type
The role of proximal social contexts: Assessing stigma-by-association effects on leader appraisals.
Helping misfits to commit: How justice climate attenuates the effects of personality dissimilarity on organizational commitment. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Mitigating bias in hiring workers with disabilities: Testing video-based interventions.
Exploring the use of credit scores in selection processes: Beware of adverse impact.
Man Up, Man Down: Race-ethnicity and the Gendered Hierarchy of Men in Female-dominated Work.
Chronic health conditions and work identity from a lifespan development frame.
Telecommuting, Primary Caregiving, and Gender as Status.
Coaching employees with chronic illness: Supporting professional identities through biographical work.
Evaluation of STRONG-CT: A program supporting minority and first-generation U.S. science students.
What did you mean by that? Justice Implications of Interpersonal Interactions for Latino/as.
Waistlines and ratings of top executives: Does executive status overcome obesity stigma?
Uneven Patterns of Inequality: An Audit Analysis of Hiring-related Practices by Gendered and Classed Contexts.
Women in the One Percent: Gender Dynamics in Top Income Positions.
Cis-gendered Organizations: Trans-women and Inequality in the Workplace.
Racial Double Standards and Applicant Selection.
Gender and Leadership Effectiveness: A Meta-analysis of Contextual Moderators.
Stay or leave? Race, Education and Changing Returns to the External Labor Market Strategy, 1976-2009
Sustainable Equality? Men and Women’s Post-hire Pay Growth in Organizations with Gender Pay Equality at Hire.
The organizational science summer institute: Community outreach to diversify the graduate education pipeline.
Microaggressive communication in organizational settings.
Virtual ethnography: Corporate electronic diversity communication.
When families talk: A phenomenological inquiry of African American families discussing organ donation.
Intersecting religion and organizational communication: A communication grounded typology.
Dr. Shawn long Organizational Science Institute:

In addition to the research on diversity and inclusion that our students and faculty conduct, we provide The Dr. Shawn Long Organizational Science Institute (formerly OSSI) designed to provide underrepresented undergraduate students with a unique educational opportunity with the following goals:
- Foster undergraduate interest and ability in research, scholarship, application and graduate study
- Provide hands on development of research conceptualization, writing, and presentation skills and intense GRE training
- Expose students to a supportive graduate climatethat values multiple diverse perspectives(e.g. disciplinary, demographic, methodology, and intellectual)
- Demonstrate to participants that a career in organizational science offers an exciting challenge and that they are fully capable of such careers